Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Course Syllabus Keep this syllabus for reference throughout the semester Course Title: Pre-Professional Experience Instructor: Mrs. Jennifer Patterson Course Prefix/Number: EC 211 Class Location: online Lecture/Lab Schedule: Online classroom (Moodle) Credits: 2 credits Pre-/Co-requisites: None Course Description: This course emphasizes the importance of skillful observation when planning appropriate activities and experiences for children. In addition, the course explores the use of informal and formal assessment strategies to plan and individualize activities and lessons and the use of assessments for determining the ability level of children. Relationship to Campus Theme: The goal of the Paraprofessional Early Childhood program is to prepare professionals to work as an early childhood professional and provide an educational continuum for degree advancement. The paraprofessional program is committed to hands-on learning and uses field experiences early childhood settings as common instructional techniques. Goals/Objectives: Upon completion of this course, student will: - Observe children of various ages noting the stages of physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development - Utilize formal and informal assessments to plan appropriate activities and individualize for special needs - Use and interpret assessment instruments to determine the ability level of children representing “at risk” populations.
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