Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Programming Chapter 2: Beginning the Problem-Solving Process Chapter 3: Variables and Constants Chapter 4: Completing the Problem-Solving Process Chapter 5: The Selection Structure Chapter 6: More on the Selection Structure Chapter 7: The Repetition Structure Chapter 8: More on the Repetition Structure Chapter 9: Value-Returning Functions GRADING: 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D Below 60% F STUDENT OUTCOMES/COMPETENCIES: The student will be able to use Visual C++ to design applications by making use of variables and constants, selection and repetition structures, and functions. ASSESSMENT TOOLS (subject to change at the discretion of the instructor): Quizzes, Review Questions/Exercises @ 5-30 pts each Programming Assignments @ 25-50 pts each Discussions @ 10 points each Chapter Exams @ 50 pts each Final Exam @ 100 pts CLASS ATTENDANCE/POLICIES: It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the required course materials (textbook, etc.). Textbooks are available via http://www.bookstore.lrsc.nodak.edu/Home.aspx . It is strongly recommended you order your textbook from the LRSC Bookstore to ensure you quickly receive the proper textbook. In the event a student doesn’t have the required materials, due dates will not be extended. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the required course materials as soon as possible. Do not attempt to use software versions other than those approved by the instructor. Use of other versions of software not specifically used in the course, or otherwise authorized by the instructor, is not allowed. Visual C++ 2017 is required. Do not attempt to use other versions of Visual C++ for this course. Assignments submitted using other versions of Visual C++ may not be accepted for review/grading.
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