Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
January 15: Finish: Listening Chapter 3 pp.40-56 Begin: Speech to Introduce Self January 17: Finish: Speech to Introduce Self Debrief: the speech to introduce self Introduce: speech to entertain January 22: Delivering the Speech: Chapter 14 pp. 272-295 Analyzing Audiences: Chapter 4 pp. 58-79 January 24: Chapter 5 Selecting Topic, Purpose and Central idea pp.80-97 January 29: Speech to entertain January 31: Speech to entertain February 5: Finish Speech to entertain Process or Demonstration Speech pp.301-304 February 7: Assessment Day February 12: Presentation aids Chapter 9 pp. 164-195 February 14: Test February 19: Demonstration Speech February 21: Demonstration Speech February 26: Demonstration Speech
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