Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
The student will not be allowed to start/continue/complete internship if they receive a failing grade in the course. Any unprofessional conduct by the student may result in dismissal from the course. Student E-mail Policy : Dakota College at Bottineau is increasingly dependent upon e-mail as an official form of communication. A student’s campus-assigned e-mail address will be the only one recognized by the campus for official meetings. The liability for missing or not acting upon important information conveyed via campus e-mail rests with the student. Course Evaluation Method : Final grades are based on the total number of points received for the course. There are several exams throughout the course. Each exam will be 60 questions each. Clinical skills practice and return demonstrations via video uploads are required and will receive a pass or fail grade. All students must pass the online portion of the course as well as receive a “pass” in the demonstration of clinical skills to receive a passing grade for the course. Grading Scale: A (94% - 100%) B (85% - 93%) C (75% - 84%) D (65% - 74%) F (0% - 64%) Academic Integrity : All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Students must complete all work themselves. Cheating or plagiarism is a serious offense and is subject to disciplinary action by the instructor and the college administration. Please see campus policies online. All references used must be properly cited. Disabilities and Special Need : If you have a disability for which you need accommodations, you are encouraged to contact Jacalyn Migler of Disability Support Services at (701) 228-5672 and then your instructor to request disability support services as early as possible.
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