Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Textbook(s): Public Speaking For College and Career Ninth Edition by Hamilton Gregory Course Requirements: Course requirements consist of class discussion, assignments, delivery of speeches, peer reviews. This course requires that you access the course through Moodle. All speeches will be recorded using Tegrity and uploaded to Moodle. Your assignments and outlines will be submitted through Moodle. Speeches Include: Introductory Speech 25 points Narrative Speech 25 points Brown Bag Speech 25 points Informative Speech 100 points Visual Aid Speech 100 points Demonstration Speech 100 points Persuasive Speech 150 points Other assignments include: Discussion questions 8 @ 10 points each = 80 points 3 Benefits assignment 20 points Feedback posts to initial speeches 3 @ 10 points each = 30 points Peer Evaluation Sheets on graded speeches 3 @ 20 points, 1 @ 30 points = 90 points Total: 745 points Grading Scale Tentative Course Outline Week 1-2: Introductory Speech, 3 Benefits assignment and post to discussion question. Week 3-4: Narrative Speech, Post to introductory speech and post to discussion question. Week 5-6: Brown Bag Speech, Post to narrative speech and post to discussion question. Week 7-8: Informative Speech, post to brown bag speech and post to discussion question. Week 9-10: Visual Aid Speech, Informative speech peer reviews and post to discussion question. Week 11-12: Demonstration Speech, Visual Aid speech peer reviews and post to discussion question. 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D Less than 60% F
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