Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

This course requires that you access the course through Blackboard. Assignments and outlines will be submitted through Blackboard. Speeches will be completed in person. The graded speeches require an outline to be submitted for your speech to be graded. Without the outline the speech will NOT be graded. Speeches Include: Introductory Speech - 25 points Oral Interpretation - 25 points Brown Bag Speech - 25 points Informative Speech - 100 points Demonstration Speech - 100 points Persuasive Speech - 150 points Other assignments include: Discussion questions 6 @ 15 points each = 90 points Writing prompt responses 3 @ 25 points = 60 points Feedback to speeches 1 @ 25 points each = 25 points Projects: Argumentation Project = 50 points Total: 665 points Grading Scale 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D Less than 60% F