Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title: COMM110 COMM 110 – Fundamentals of Public Speaking (3 credits) Course Description: Communications 110 is an introductory public speaking course to help students become more proficient in oral communication skills in various situations. Introduction to Public Speaking emphasizes one of the most important aspects of human nature: communication. Speech will utilize group support, individual creativity, and technical skills in research and camera presentation to help a student to move beyond his/her present ability to communicate. Course Objectives: To help students: 1. Develop and sharpen listening skills. 2. Gain confidence in a variety of speaking situations. (Meets DCB General Education Goal # 1) 3. Prepare and deliver effective speeches. (Meets DCB General Education Goal # 1) 4. Communicate effectively in small group situations. (Meets DCB General Education Goal # 1) 5. Learn techniques to enhance on camera presentations. Instructor: Nathan Biggerstaff Office: Dakota College at Bottineau – Arntzen Office Hours: E-mail if you need to schedule an appointment for an in-person meeting. Phone: 701-228-5604 Email : nathan.biggerstaff@dakotacollege.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule: Online course Textbook(s): None Materials Used: This class utilized Open Educational Resources (OERs). This includes free resources available to students via online or through provided materials in PDF or word document form. All links and documents are available on Blackboard. Course Requirements: Course requirements consist of class discussion, assignments, and delivery of speeches.