Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Spring Semester 2019 Course Prefix/Number/Title : CIS 233 Vector Graphics/Web Animation Number of credits : 3 semester credits Course Description : Students will learn how to design vector graphics for animation, presentation, applications, and web sites using Adobe Illustrator CC. Pre-/Co-requisites : Previous computer experience Course Objectives : To manipulate and create graphics for print and web use Demonstrate a working knowledge of software program used to create graphics Practice concepts of good vector graphic design Interpret and synthesize information resulting in problem solutions Apply concepts learned to independent challenge problems Instructor : Trisha Nelson Office : MiSU campus, Old Main, 307A Office Hours : TBD Phone : 701-858-3313 Email : trisha.nelson@ndus.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule : MWF 1:00-1:50 Textbook(s): Adobe Illustrator Creative Cloud Revealed Author: Botello ISBN-10: 1-305-26261-1 ISBN-13: 978-1-305-26261-4 Adobe Creative Cloud subscription required Course Requirements : Instruction procedures include lecture, class discussion and participation, individual assistance and tests. Tentative Course Outline : Getting Started with Illustrator Creating Text and Gradients Drawing and Composing an Illustration Transforming and Distorting Objects Working with Layers Working with Patterns and Brushes Working with Distortions, Gradient Meshes, Envelopes, and Blends
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