Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Chemistry 122 Course Syllabus Course: Chem 122, General Chemistry II Number of credits; 4 Course Description; General Chemistry II will cover topics including intermolecular forces, kinetics, solution chemistry, acid/base chemistry, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, nuclear reactions, and carbon bonding; with special emphasis on qualitative analysis. Travel may be necessary to visualize the role of chemistry in their everyday lives. Pre requisites; Chem 121, Math 103 Course Objectives; 1) Demonstrates the application of the scientific method of inquiry, associated technology and critical thinking/analysis skills in the study of chemistry. 2) Identify the processes of the natural environment and their impact. 3)Apply scientific information and principles to everyday life. Class Schedule :11:00-11:50 am, MWF, NSC 124 Lab: Tuesday 8:00-9:50 and 10:00-11:50, NSC 121 Text : Chemistry by Chang, 9 th Ed. McGraw-Hill Instructor: Angie Bartholomay Office/Phone: Nelson Science Center, Room 111 Phone: 228-5471 E-mail: angela.bartholomay@dakotacollege.edu Office Hours : M,W,F 10:00am-10:50am, M,F 2:00-3:00pm Course requirements; Attendance is the key to success! Grades will be based on total points using the following percentage system: 100-90, A; 89-80, B;79-70, C; 69-60, D; <60. Exams, lab reports, a final lab project, and an independent study project will be used to determine the final grade. - Exams: There will be four exams (100 points each) during the course of the semester. Exams may contain short answer/essay, multiple choice, and problems. The use of periodic tables is permitted and will be provided. If you know you will be gone the day of an exam, you must take it prior to the absence to receive full credit. - Quizzes may be unannounced and cover mathematical aspects we have been studying. Each quiz is worth 20 points. Quizzes cannot be made up. - Laboratory: The laboratory portion of the course provides an opportunity to integrate lecture concepts with observable activities. Chemical splash safety goggles are required and can be purchased at the bookstore. Attendance in lab is mandatory. Lab reports not submitted for grades at the next scheduled will receive 70% of the graded report. Research; You will have a choice of one of the following projects worth 150 pts 1) Should you choose the research paper, it will be 4-5 pages in length on some current topic in chemistry or related science. The paper must follow all of the requirements of any research paper completed for Composition II . 2) The Science Olympiad involves preparing chemicals and test questions as needed for the chemistry events and the running of those events on March 28. Classroom policy Make-up; If you must be absent for a school related or family event, you are expected to make prior arrangements and take the exam & do lab prior to the event. . -Cell phone and related technology are prohibited in the classroom at all times. -Be respectful of other students, technicians, instructors, and guests. -No headphones
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