Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Spring 2019 Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title : BOTE 218 Desktop Publishing Number of credits : 3 semester credits Course Description : Software application course providing students with skills in electronic layout, editing, and production of documents. Pre-/Co-requisites : Previous computer experience Course Objectives :  Create and manage information using computer technology  Use the software’s formatting features to enhance business documents  Demonstrate the ability to apply concepts learned to independent challenge problems  Demonstrate the ability to interpret and synthesize information resulting in problem solutions  Apply a working knowledge of basic desktop publishing software Instructor : Trisha Nelson Office : MiSU campus, Old Main, 307A Office Hours : TBD Phone : 701-858-3313 Email : trisha.nelson@ndus.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule : MWF 10:00-10:50 Textbook(s): Adobe InDesign Creative Cloud Author: Rydberg ISBN-10: 1-305-26364-2 ISBN-13: 978-1-305-26364-2 Course Requirements : Instruction procedures include lecture, class discussion and participation, projects and tests. Subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud Software is required Tentative Course Outline : Chapter 1: The InDesign Workspace Chapter 2: Type, Tools, and Terms Chapter 3: The Fine Art of Setting Type Chapter 4: Combining Type and Images Chapter 5: Tabs and Tables Chapter 6: Grids, Guides, and Aligning Objects Chapter 7: Text Wrap, Layers, and Effects