Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
2 o Absences in lecture : You are allowed three unexcused absences before your grade will be affected. After those 3 unexcused absences, each day after will be 5 points off your attendance grade of 50 points. For example, if you receive 3 unexcused absences then you will get a 50/50 for attendance. If you receive 4 unexcused absences, then you will receive a 45/50 points. If you receive 5 unexcused absences, then you will receive a 40/50 points and so on and so forth. o Absences in lab: If you miss lab because of an “excuse” absence you can make up that lab in order to get the points for it. If you do not make up those days that you missed, then you will be awarded a zero for those labs/blackboard quizzes pertaining to that specific lab. If you miss a lab due to an “unexcused” absence you cannot make up that lab/blackboard quizzes pertaining to that specific lab and therefore you will get a zero for those lab points. Excused absence is defined as : Instructor was notified prior to lecture/lab of student’s absence due to the following extenuating circumstances: sickness with a doctor’s note that must be presented to the instructor, death of a close family member, and if you’re an athlete and you’re missing for games/travel only. Unexcused absence is defined as : Instructor was not notified before the start of lecture/lab of students’ absence. Consistent tardiness will not be tolerated in my class. Be on time, prompted, and prepared to each lecture and lab. If tardiness becomes a chronic issue, instructor has the right to give student a zero for that day even if it means giving a zero on exam days. Missing an exam: If you know you will be gone during an exam day you need to let me know ONE day in advanced. If you miss an exam and I am not aware that you were going to miss it then your grade for that exam will result in a ZERO . There will be no make-up exams for those who do not inform me of their absences on exam days. If you show up to an exam late, you will not be allowed to take that exam. o Late for lecture is defined as : Any time past 10am. (for example: 10:01am) o Late for lab is defined as : Any time past 8am. (for example: 8:01am) Late assignments: I will not accept late assignments. If you do not turn in your assignments on time you will be awarded a ZERO for that assignment. You will be given plenty of time for each assignment, lab report, and blackboard quiz. Academic Integrity: Cheating and plagiarism is serious and will not be tolerated in lecture or lab. o If you decide to cheat you will be given at minimum a ZERO for that assignment, test, or quiz and with more serious cheating/plagiarism you will need to meet with Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. Disabilities and Special Needs: If you have a diagnosed learning disability, you need to contact the Learning Center in Thatcher 1104 or phone (701) 228-5477. Please speak with me in person about any disabilities/accommodations. You must inform me that you have testing accommodations THREE days before an exam (ie. need extended time). Email Policy: Dakota College at Bottineau is increasingly dependent upon email as an official form of communication. A student’s campus-assigned email address will be the only one recognized by the campus for official mailings. The liability for missing or not acting upon important information conveyed via campus email rests with the student. Blackboard policy: You are responsible for checking blackboard and doing coursework/homework/lab report submissions on blackboard for this class. If you do not do the assignments on blackboard you will get a ZERO for those assignments. Blackboard assignments must be completed by the time and date indicated by each assignment.
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