Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
o Quiz (20 pts): Ch. 10 & Ch. 11 o Midterm (100 pts) Spring Break: Mar 11-17 Week 10: Mar 18- 24 o Reading: Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases (Ch.14) o Lab (30 pts): Hand-washing and Normal Flora o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (20 pts): Ch. 14 Week 11: Mar 25- 31 o Reading: Nonspecific Host Defense Mechanisms (Ch.15) o Begin Lab: Food Safety o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (20 pts): Ch. 15 Week 12: April 01- 07 o Reading: Specific Host Defense Mechanisms: An Introduction to Immunology (Ch.16) o Lab Due (30 pts): Food Safety o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (20 pts): Ch. 16 Week 13: April 08 –14 o Reading: Overview of Human Infectious Diseases (Ch 17) and Viral Infections of Humans (Ch 18) o Begin Lab: Environmental Influences on Microbial Growth-Salinity Testing o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (20 pts): Ch. 17 & Ch. 18 Week 14: April 15- 21 o Reading: Bacterial Infections of Humans (Ch.19) o Lab Due (30 pts): Environmental Influences on Microbial Growth-Salinity Testing o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (20 pts): Ch. 19 Week 15: April 22- 28 o Reading: Fungal Infections of Humans (Ch.20) o Lab (30 pts): Microorganisms as Vector of Diseases o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (20 pts): Ch. 20 Week 16: April 29- May 5 o Reading: Parasitic Infections of Humans (Ch.21) o Assignment (40 pts): TBD o Discussion (15 pts) o Quiz (20 pts): Ch. 21 Week 17: May 6 – 10 o Final (100 pts): o Discussion: Course Wrap-up
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