Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

1 Environmental Science Syllabus Spring Semester 2019 Course : BIOL 124 Environmental Science (4 Credits) Course Days/Times : MWF (lecture): 2pm-2:50pm; Tuesday (lab): 10am-11:50am Prerequisites : None Instructor : Taija Hahka Office : NSC 113 Office Hours : MWF: 9am-9:50am & 3pm-3:45pm Office Phone Number : 701-228-5472 Email : taija.hahka@ndus.edu Course Description : An introductory course for the non-science major. A study of the effects of humans and their technology on the environment. Human population growth, fundamentals of ecology, principles of resource management, water resources, mineral resources, biological resources, land management, feeding the world, water pollution, air pollution, municipal waste, local, regional, and global issues. Course Objectives : Demonstrate an understanding and proficiency with: 1. Knowledge and understanding of scientific principles of environmental issues. 2. Identifying and explaining the major environmental issues of today. 3. How environmental factors influence societies and vice versa. 4. How/why society addresses environmental issues. General Education Goals/ Objectives :  Goal 1: Explains the interrelationships between humans and their environment and the role of science in their lives.  Goal 2: Demonstrates knowledge and application of technology. Relationship to Campus Theme :  Technological/science developments are discussed in relationship to Global Warming, and air and water pollution and other environmental issues.  Green revolution and humanity discussed with future consideration.  Genetic engineering, technological developments in environmental monitoring. Textbook(s) : McKinney, M.L., and R.M. Schoch. 2013. Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions. Jones and Bartlett Publ. Co., 5 th ed. Course Requirements :  4 Hour Exams (100 pts. each) 400 pts.  1 Final Exam 100 pts.  Blackboard quizzes (5-10 pts. each) 100 pts.  Lab Reports/evaluations/ write-ups (5-10 pts. each) 100 pts.  Student presentations 50 pts.  Attendance and participation 50 pts. ______ Total: 800 pts Classroom Policies :  Participation and attendance are required in class. o Participation is defined as : the act of taking part in an event or activity.  Attendance is taken during all lectures and labs. All requests for absences need to be discussed with the instructor immediately before lecture or lab. Absences need to be reported to me immediately so we can make advanced arrangements. A = 100-90% B = 89-80% C = 79-70% D = 69-60% F = below 60%