Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Univ 110- College Study Skills Syllabus-Spring 2019 T 11-11:50 Instructor: Melissa Remick (218)760-7778 melissa.remick@vcsu.edu Office Hours: Any day after 12pm and any time by appointment Course Objectives: Students will be able to o Learn time management and organizational skills o Understand library resources o Apply successful test taking strategies o Develop effective strategies to better utilize class time o Analyze and apply individual learning styles o Work in an online learning environment for greater college success o Analyze and apply critical thinking techniques o Learn effective communication within the college setting Course Work & Grading Scale: Grades are based on weekly assignments, classroom presentations, quizzes, and exams. This class meets once each week. Due to our limited time attendance is vital. If you miss 2 classes you will lose a letter grade; miss 3 classes and you will lose two letter grades; miss 4 or more classes and you will fail the class. You cannot make up missed assignments or presentations unless the absence was excused (must be approved by instructor prior to class). A= 90-100% B= 80-89% C= 70-70% D= 60-69% F= Less than 60% Final grades are based on the percentages above. The Expectation is that all assignments will be turned in on the appropriate due date. If an assignment would need to be turned in late please make prior arrangements with me. Topics we will cover: Introductions/Blackboard/ConnectND/Email
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