Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title: UNIV 105—FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCE Number of Credits: 1 semester hour Pre/Co-requisites: None Course Description: This course is designed to provide students with important concepts in student retention and positive student outcomes. Topics may involve drug and alcohol issues, health and personal safety, library resources, computer resources, academic policies and procedures, freshman transitions, general education, career exploration and diversity. Course Objectives: As a two-year college, Dakota College at Bottineau subscribes to a philosophy that promotes student success through faculty, staff, and student interaction. This course is formatted to foster that interaction and to meet the following objectives: 1. Increase student’s ability to adjust to the demands of the first year of college 2. Assist students in developing positive learning skills 3. Expose and orient students to the programs and services available on campus 4. Inform students about policies and procedures that govern campus life Instructor: Professor Russ Gagnon, 852-3463, not after 9 p.m. Office: Minot Campus Administration Building Room 160 Office Hours: Office hours only by appointment M-F 9:00-3:00. Phone: 800-777-0750 ext:4338 or 701-858-4338, Fax: 701-858-4232, Email: russ.gagnon@ndus.edu Textbook(s): The Snarktastic Guide to College Success, Posey and von Bohlen, 978-0-321-94732-1, Pearson I recommend reading Crack Da Code, Sanyika Calloway Boyce, 0-9726320-0-x, this is a hard to find book but the Bottineau Bookstore might be able to help. Course Requirements: 1. Attend class. 2. Completion of assignments, tests, and daily in-class work. Mid-Term project is a synopsis of The Snarktastic Guide to College Success, due March 2, 2018 . 3. Grading: 90-100% =A 80-89% =B 70-79%= C 60-69%= D 0-59% =F Tentative Course Outline: First Week Survival Confidence Building and Goals Minimizing and Managing Stress Multisensory Learning Time Management Active Listening and Notetaking Textbooks: Critical Reading and Thinking Diversity Managing Your Money Well-being and Being Well Relationships Safety: Protecting Yourself from Crime General Education Goals/Objectives: Technology - Objective 2: Uses electronic resources for course related assignments and information Skill 1: Selects appropriate electronic resources
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