Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Tentative Course Assignments and Assessments: There will be weekly readings, assignments, and assessments. Week (Date Due) Assignment Points Weekly Participation attendance points 5 points per week (90 points) Week 2 Legislative scavenger hunt 10 points Week 4 Exam #1 50 points Week 8 Exam #2 50 points Week 9 Mental Health Paper 50 points Week 11 Exam #3 50 points Week 15 Disability Paper 100 points Possible Quizzes 20 points Final exam Exam #4 50 points Other assessments/assignments 30 points Total: 500 points Paper Requirements: Papers will be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman size 12. You are required to use APA or MLA formatting. Sources must be cited and a reference page must be provided. There will be two papers for this course (mental health condition and a disability category). Further information and a scoring rubric will be given for each paper. Exams: Four exams will be given in this course. There will be a study guide provided for each exam. Exams are open book, open note. Class Participation: Attendance in class is very important . Participation points will be given for each class. If you need to miss class, please email me prior to class. Relationship to Campus Theme: The purpose of the Education and Human Development Discipline is to educate students for careers as paraeducators, teachers, early childhood professionals, and adult caregivers. The