Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

modifications, PBIS, zero tolerance Week 3 Multicultural and bilingual education, SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Read Chapter 3 in text Week 4 Tues - Exam #1 TH - Working with families, grief cycle, family involvement, overview of Individualized Education Plan, Communication with families Exam #1 on T covering Chapters 1-3 Read Chapter 4 in text for TH Week 5 Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - Characteristics, Causes, Identification (Intelligence tests and Adaptive behavior scales), Other syndromes, Implications for education, Assessment, Early Intervention, Transition, supervision of paraprofessionals Read Chapter 5 in text for T Week 6 Learning Disabilities - definitions, identification, causes, areas, implications for instruction, models of delivery Read Chapter 6 in text for T Week 7 ADD/ADHD - history, definition, causes, characteristics, implications for education, medications Read Chapter 7 in text for T Week 8 ED - definition, causes, identification, educational considerations, assessment, mental health diagnoses, service delivery, FBA, BIP, Crisis Prevention T- Exam #2 covering Ch 4-7 TH- read Ch 8 Week 9 Speech/Language (Communication) - definition (speech and language), implications for education, assessment, augmentative devices T- read Ch 9