Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Define a functional behavior assessment and positive behavior intervention plan Discuss early intervention services and services for transition into adulthood Discuss the role of the family in the education process and how to facilitate their involvement Discuss the role of the general education teacher, paraprofessional and special education teacher in providing services to students with disabilities Course Requirements: Grading is based on a standard college curve, where students earn a grade based upon the percent of total points possible. Drop quizzes or in class work may not be made up. There will be a one week grace period to make up any missed exams or assignments. Any missed exam/work not made up within that allotted time will be given a zero. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule make-up work during a date and time mutually convenient for the student and the instructor. Final letter grades are based on the following criteria: A - 89.5 - 100% of the total points B - 79.5 - <89.5% of the total points C - 69.5 - < 79.5% of the total points D - 59.5 - <69.5% of the total points F - <59.5% of the total points Tentative Course Outline (Subject to Change): WEEK Discussion Topic and Activities Assignments/Readings Week 1 T - Review syllabus, Questionnaire, Overview of the class Th- Definition of exceptional learner, special education, careers in special education, person first language, history and origins of spec ed, legislation related to spec ed Read Chapter 1 in text for Thursday IDEA, ADA, Every Child Succeeds Scavenger Hunt Week 2 UDL, Self Determination, Deinstitutionalization, Inclusion, Differentiation, RtI/MTSS, Collaboration, Progress monitoring, Accommodations vs Read Chapter 2 in text
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