Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Tentative Course Outline: Reading and lab schedule Since the online class is designed to be done at your own pace, these are a suggested schedule. Midterm grades, given to let you know how you are doing up to that point, will be based on the completion of the first 2 exams by October 10, 2012 Test dates are last date for completion. Labs and tests may be done in advance if desired. Test 1 Introduction , Terminology p. 1-9 Sept. 15 Soil Formation p. 10-14 soil profiles - Natural and Urban Soil Genesis p. 267 – 300 Test 2 Soil Solids and Pores p. 15 - 44 texture analysis Oct. 10 Liquids and Gases p. 50 - 7 0 bulk density Soil Climate p. 71 - 86 Soil Water p. 87 - 109 soil pores / water movement Oct. 12, 2012 Midterm grades will be determined based on the above tests. Test 3 Soil Biology, Nutrient Cycles and Microbes Nov. 1 p. 134 - 151 Microbial Processes p. 158- 184 myccorhizal roots Test 4 Nutrients and their Management p. 190 - 23 9 Non-Cropping deficiencies Nov. 20 Acidity and Salinity p. 240 - 266 Test 5 Soil Information Management p. 301 - 320 inferred properties Dec. 10 Soil Degradation p. 353 -384 bioremediation in Bakken Nonagricultural Uses of Soils p.: 385 - 410