Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

SOC 101 Syllabus 5  Friday, February 22: Socioeconomic Realities  Textbook : Ferris & Stein, “Social Class: The Structure of Inequality,” 200-220.  Required Texts : Vance, “America’s Forgotten Working Class.” Video, 14:43.  ICE : Issue paper – Social class and U.S. society Week 8: Race and Ethnicity  Monday, February 25: What is Race and Ethnicity?  Textbook : Ferris & Stein, “Race and Ethnicity as Lived Experience,” 221-230.  Required Texts : Stew, “Black Men Ski.” Video 4:33.  Analytical Essay : Outline Due  Wednesday, February 27: Embodying Race  Textbook : Ferris & Stein, “Race and Ethnicity as Lived Experience,” 230-237.  Required Texts: Bell, “Racializing Raven.” 55-66.  Friday, March 1: Racism and Pluralism  Textbook : Ferris & Stein, “Race and Ethnicity as Lived Experience,” 238-246.  Required Texts : Simmons, “How Students of Color Confront Impostor Syndrome.” Video, 4:33.  ICE : Issue paper – Race and U.S. society Week 9: Gender & Sexuality  Monday, March 4: Defining Gender and Sexuality  Textbook : Ferris & Stein, “Constructing Gender and Sexuality,” 247-268.  Analytical Essay : Rough Draft Due  Wednesday, March 6: Gender in the Real World  Textbook : Ferris & Stein, “Constructing Gender and Sexuality,” 268-278.  Required Texts : Vedantam, “Research Examines the Effects of Gender on Stated Ambition.” Hidden Brain . Video, 3:40.  Friday, March 8: Sexuality in the Real World  Required Texts: Assigned to Groups  ICE : Issue paper – Gender & sexuality in U.S. society  IP : Last day to submit Issue Paper for Section 3 Section 4: Social Institutions Week 10: Politics & Religion  Monday, March 18: What is Political?  Analytical Essay : Revised Prospectus Due or Final Draft for Section 3 Due  Textbook : Ferris & Stein, “The Macro-Micro Link in Social Institutions,” 281-301.  Required Texts: “Despite Attention, Sociology Professor Says Violent Extremism is Relatively Rare.” All Things Considered , June 4, 2017. Audio, 4:19.  Wednesday, March 20: What is Religion?  Textbook : Ferris & Stein, “The Macro-Micro Link in Social Institutions,” 311-322.  Required Texts: Gjelten, “Unbelief as a Belief System” Audio, 6:38.  Friday, March 22: Politics and Religion in the Real World  Required Texts: Assigned to Groups  ICE : Issue Paper – Political and religious beliefs in the United States Week 11: Education  Monday, March 25: What is Education?  Analytical Essay : Outline Due  Textbook : Ferris & Stein, “The Macro-Micro Link in Social Institutions,” 301-311.  Required Texts : Kamenetz, “How College Friendships May Affect Student Success.”