Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Lecture/Lab Schedule: Online Class Textbook: Title: Creative Management in Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services Author: Richard G. Kraus & Joseph E. Curtis Publisher: McGraw Hill Edition/Year: 6th ISBN: 0-07230031-0 Additional information : none Type: Required resource Course Requirements: Attendance: Regular participation is expected. Graded Assignments: Graded assignments are found in the Content area of the course. Students will submit their work using the Assignment Drop Box link found on the homepage of the course. The deadlines for completing assignments are posted on the course calendar. Assignments must be completed using Microsoft Word. Tests: Each chapter is followed by a chapter exam that must be completed on the dates posted on the course calendar. Exams will typically have 15 questions and must be completed within a 30 minute time period. No comprehensive exam will be given. Deadlines: Students are expected to abide by the deadlines listed in the course materials. Due dates are posted on the course calendar. Group Discussions and Communication: Group discussion is not part of the course, but ongoing discussion is encouraged with the instructor by telephone or through the use of the Course Mail, which is easy to access in the Course Menu on your Home Page. On occasion when discussion occurs both assignment and exam scores may be changed based on the reasoning and/or content of the debate - So, I encourage dialogue. Evaluation and Grading Method : Grades on individual assignments and exams are calculated by dividing the points earned by the points possible. The grade for the course is determined thus: Test Scores make up 75% of the grade, and assignments account for 25% of the grade. Grading Criteria: