Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title: RLS 212 Principles of Interpretation Course Description: The course will provide an introduction into the field of environmental education; facilitate methods to teach environmental educational and environmental literacy. Course Objectives: It is expected that students will be able to:  Explain the importance of interpretation in our natural and cultural settings.  Utilize planning techniques to plan and present an effective interpretive program. Instructor: Sherry Niesar Office: Online Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 2-4 pm Phone: 701-527-3714 Email: Sherry.Niesar@dakotacollege.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule: Online Textbook(s ): Interpretation for the 21st Century - Fifteen Guiding Principles for Interpreting Nature and Culture by Larry Beck and Ted Cable, Sagamore Publishing, Second Edition Course Requirements:  Regular participation in the class is expected.  Graded assignments: Assignments are given to reinforce chapter content. They are practical in nature and require the student to apply new knowledge of chapters.  Graded quizzes/tests: 2 one-hour exams of approximately 30 questions will be given. Quizzes follow each chapter with the exception of chapter 1 where no quiz is given.  Grades: Grades are based on total points earned and include the points earned on practice exercises. Tentative Course Outline: Chapter 1 - Lighting a Spark Chapter 2 - 2nd Principle - Interpreting in the Information Age Chapter 3 - 3rd Principle - The Importance of a Story Chapter 4 - 4th Principle - Provocation Chapter 5 - Holistic Interpretation Chapter 6 - Interpreting Throughout the Life Span