Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

 Discussion Board Participation: In the course outline for the class, ten different weeks are identified as “Discussion” weeks. During these weeks, the instructor has posed a discussion question on the course Blackboard shell for the given week. Each student is responsible for participating in the discussion by posting his/her own response to the discussion question (3 points), and engaging in discussion with at least one additional student (2 points). Discussions are open until the exam covering the discussion material closes (e.g. discussion over Chapters 6-7 will close when Exam #3 closes).  Health Behavior Change Poster: Each student will complete a health behavior change project during the course of the semester. This will consist of identifying a personal health behavior that could be changed or modified to improve one’s health. The student will do research on this behavior, will implement a change of the behavior for one week, and then will reflect upon this behavior. Each of these steps should be documented. Each student will create a conference style poster based off of information gathered through the Health Behavior Change Project. The poster will be the size of a standard sheet of computer paper. PowerPoint will be the primary tool used to make these posters. A more detailed description of the poster is available on Blackboard. Posters should be in the drop box by March 31, 2019, at 11:59pm. Course Outline Week Topic Chapter Discussion Quiz Exam Week 1 What is Health Psych? 1 Discussion #1 Quiz #1 Week 2 Systems of the Body 2 Quiz #2 Exam #1 Chapters 1-2 Week 3 Health Behaviors 3 Discussion #2 Week 4 Health-Related Behaviors 4 Quiz #3 Week 5 Health-Compromising Behaviors 5 Discussion #3 Exam #2 Chapters 3-5 Week 6 What is Stress 6 Quiz #4 Week 7 Moderators of Stress 7 Discussion #4 Quiz #5 Week 8 Project Discussion Discussion #5 Exam #3 Chapters 6-7 Week 9 Using Health Services 8 Quiz #6 Week 10 Spring Break Week 11 Patient-Provider Relations 9 Discussion #6 Quiz #7 Week 12 Management of Pain/Discomfort ***HCB Poster Due*** 10 Exam #4 Chapters 8-10 Week 13 SCT and Body Image Management of Chronic Illness 11 Discussion #7 Quiz #8 Week 14 Psych Issues in Illness (Tuesdays with Morrie) 12 Discussion #8 Quiz #9 Week 15 Heart Disease and Hypertension 13 Discussion #9 Week 16 AIDS and Cancer 14 Discussion #10 Quiz #10 Week 17 Exam #5 Chapters 11-14 General Education Goals/Objectives: