Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Students will use critical thinking to understand the importance of psychology now, and in the future. Classroom Policies: Participation . Students are expected to come to class prepared and actively engage in class discussion and activities. The classroom environment is open and harassment free, so please engaged in discussion. Computers are welcome in the classroom for note-taking purposes only. If students abuse this privilege, the instructor reserves the right to ban computers from the lecture periods. Deadlines . All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day that they are due. Students will be deducted 5 points for every 24-hour period the assignment is not turned in, including weekends. If a student is aware that they will miss a quiz, they must inform the instructor at least two weeks prior to the missed quiz. An essay quiz (worth 15 points) will substitute for the missed quiz. This quiz must be taken before the scheduled quiz date. If a student is sick or experiences unforeseen circumstances where a quiz must be missed , the instructor must be informed immediately and proper documentation must be presented (e.g., doctor’s note, police accident report). An essay quiz will take the place of the missed quiz and must be taken within one week of the missed quiz. If the student does not notify the instructor before the next class period, the student will receive a “0” for the missed quiz. Students involved in college activities (e.g., athletics) that require them to miss a quiz will take a make-up which is the same format as typical quizzes (multiple choice and short answer). Proper documentation from a coach or faculty supervisor is required to avoid the essay quiz. Grades . Questions about test grades can be emailed to the instructor up to 10 days (including weekends) after the grade is posted; after this time grades are considered final. Questions regarding grades can be emailed to the instructor no sooner then 24-hours after the grade has been posted. Challenging the grade will result in a re-grade. Re-grades may result in a grade higher or lower than the original grade. Canceled Class. If a weather-related event prevents the professor from getting to class, students will be responsible for completing an “assignment” over the scheduled reading. Information about the assignment will be provided on the class Blackboard shell, and the deadline for completion of the assignment will be by 9:00pm the day of the missed class. Students will be notified of the professor’s absence by a note on the classroom door, as well as with a notification on the class Blackboard shell. Just as with the in-class quizzes, if a student does not complete the assignment by 9:00pm, it cannot be made up. Academic Integrity: Plagiarism (taking the ideas, thoughts, or language or someone else and passing them off as your own) will not be tolerated in this class. If a student is suspected of plagiarizing, cheating, or not doing their own work, the matter will be investigated. Any student who is found to engage in academic dishonesty (including letting others cheat off of you) will receive an automatic “F” in the course. Additionally, the incident will be reported to the appropriate University office and additional action may be taken.
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