Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Tentative Course Outline: Week Date Day Topic DSM-5 Paper/Case Study Week 1 1/19 1/11 Wednesday Friday Class Introduction/Responsibilities & Assignments History of the DSM/Using the DSM Week 2 1/14 1/16 1/18 Monday Wednesday Friday Using the DSM/ Quiz #1 (Paper and Discussion) Neurodevelopmental Disorders (watch T.G.) Quiz #2/Autistic Disorder (Paper & Discussion) p. 31 DSM-5 p. 309 Week 3 1/21 1/23 1/25 Monday Wednesday Friday Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No Class) Depressive Disorders Quiz #3/Depression (Paper and Discussion) p. 155 p. 87 Week 4 1/28 1/30 2/1 Monday Wednesday Friday Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Quiz #4/OCD (Paper and Discussion) Dissociative Disorders p. 235 p. 291 p.1 Week 5 2/4 2/6 2/8 Monday Wednesday Friday Quiz #5/DID (Paper and Discussion) Feeding and Eating Disorders Quiz #6/Bulimia (Paper and Discussion) p. 329 p. 68 p. 234 Week 6 2/11 2/13 2/15 Monday Wednesday Friday Sexual Dysfunctions/Paraphilic Disorders Quiz #7/Paraphilic (Paper and Discussion) Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders p. 423, 685 p. 481 p. 188 Week 7 2/18 2/20 2/22 Monday Wednesday Friday Presidents’ Day (No Class) Quiz #8/Alcohol Depend. (Paper & Discussion) Neurocognitive Disorder p. 591 p. 159 Week 8 2/25 2/27 3/1 Monday Wednesday Friday Quiz #9/Still Alice (Paper and Discussion) Personality Disorders Quiz #10/Borderline (Paper and Discussion) p. 645 Movie p. 283 Prior to March 4 Quiz #11/Schizophrenia (Paper and Discussion) Quiz #12/Gender Dysphoria (Paper and Discussion **These lectures, discussions, paper drop boxes, and quizzes are all available on Blackboard p. 87 p. 451 p. 130 p. 451 ***The final will NOT be given early. You must take the final during the final exam time, no exceptions. General Education Goals/Objectives: Goal 1: Explains the interrelationships between humans and their environment and the role of science in their lives. Goal 4: Demonstrate Effective Communication Goal 6: Demonstrates the knowledge of the human experience throughout history Relationship to Campus Theme: Campus theme: Nature, Technology, and Beyond Students will be familiar with the technological tools used to investigate the mind and our behavior. Students will be familiar with how nature influences our own (psychological) development.
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