Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

· All tests can be taken on any computer with Internet access. · Students need to set up or select an environment conducive for testing (e.g. distraction-free area at home, a computer lab at a library, etc.) · Students can take the tests at any time between the given dates and times. · A discussion is only a discussion if everyone is participating together. Therefore, no points will be given for forum posts once the week is over. · Homework assignments and the paper will lose 10% for each day they are late, and will not be accepted more than one week after the due date. Evaluation: Grades are based on total points earned. Discussion Forums (10 pts ea) Drop Box Homework (15 pts ea) Paper 50 Tests (30 pts ea) A--90-100% B--80-89% C--70-79% D--60-69% F--59% or lower Academic Integrity: The academic community is operated on the basis of