Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

3/25 Week 11 In class reading and writing exercises See MyWritingLab 4/1 Week 12 In class reading and writing exercises See MyWritingLab 4/8 Week 13 In class reading and writing exercises See MyWritingLab 4/15 Week 14 Holiday no class 4-19 In class reading and writing exercises See MyWritingLab 4/22 Week 15 Holiday no class 4/22 In class reading and writing exercises See MyWritingLab Final Week Class Assignments Attendance/Participation 40 (2.5 per class) Intro Writing Assignment 10 Learning Assessment MWL 25 My Writing Lab Modules 230 Midterm 45 Final 50 _________________________________________________________________________ Total Points 400 Grading Scale 90-100% A 80-90% B 70-80% C 60-70% D 0-60% F General Education Goals/Objectives: In this class, the goal is to prepare the student for Com 110, which is a required General Education course. Program Objectives: 1. Read Critically to understand content, draw inferences, synthesize information and evaluate message and form. 2. Compose polished writing by way of inventing, drafting, revising and editing-applying rules and conventions for standard, edited English (spelling, usage, mechanics). 3. Demonstrate personal style and technique when creating visual works of art.