Spring 2019 Course Syllabi
Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title: PLSC 275 Advanced Arboriculture Number of credits : 3 Course Description: Students will learn advanced arboricultural practices such as the transplanting of large trees, preserving existing trees on a construction site, cabling, bracing, and the evaluation of hazardous trees. Pre-requisites: PLSC 273 Arboriculture Course Objectives: It is expected that students will: Understand how to transplant large trees and know how to properly use a tree spade. Be able to manage special situations such as root-pavement conflicts, trees in pavement, recycling wood waste, managing fire-safe landscaping, trees in planters, and landfill sites. Be able to select trees for preservation and be able to protect them during construction. Understand the role of chemicals used to control plant growth. Be able to evaluate hazard trees and to properly deal with them. Understand cabling and bracing systems. Be able to diagnose plant problems. Understand the principles of plant health care. Instructor: Eden McLeod Email: Use I mail within the course Lecture/Lab Schedule: Online Textbook:
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