Spring 2019 Course Syllabi

Dakota College at Bottineau Course Syllabus Course Prefix/Number/Title: PLSC 268; Plant Propagation Spring Semester 2019: 2 Credits Course Description: Plant propagation teaches the principles and practices of sexual and asexual reproduction of plants. Propagation methods covered are seed, cuttings, layering, division, grafting, budding and micro- propagation. Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to acquaint the student with the basic principles and methods of plant propagation techniques practiced in the horticulture industry today and in the past. Upon completion of this class, you will have a workable knowledge of seed germination and handling; production from cuttings; grafting and budding; layering and other natural modifications; division; propagation by specialized stems and roots and methods of micro-propagation. Instructor: Amy Koehler Office: Molberg 27 Office Hours: TBD Phone: 701-228-5605 Email: Amy.koehler@dakotacollege.edu Lecture/Lab Schedule: TBD Textbook(s): Students will be assigned Digital Open Educational Resource reading material throughout the course related to each week’s topic(s). Recommended Textbooks (not required) American Horticultural Society – Plant Propagation Reference Textbooks (not required); -Plant Propagation Principles and Practices Hudson T. Hartmann, Dale E. Kester, Fred T. Davies Jr. -Plant Propagation A to Z Geoff Bryant -Secrets of Plant Propagation Lewis Hill