Residential Life Handbook

9 • Bicycle (bike racks are provided around campus, please bring your own lock and chain). • Television • Stereo, radio, CD or mp3 player. • Small fan • Backpack • Sports gear NOTE: Candles, incense, wax burners, or other items with an open flame are not allowed in residence hall rooms, not even for decorative purposes. Personal Property The college assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to residents’ personal property. Residents should consider purchase of renter’s insurance or an extension of their parent’s home owner’s insurance to cover loss or damage of personal property. This includes firearms storage. All rooms should be locked if they are not occupied. Bedding/Mattresses Bedding (sheets, blankets, etc.) is required in the residence halls and students must bring their own bedding. Mattresses must remain on the bed to which they are assigned. Sleeping bags may not be used in lieu of regular bedding. It is the student’s responsibility to launder their own sheets and bedding regularly. Room/Lounge Furniture Room and lounge furniture may not be exchanged between rooms or residence halls. Beds and mattresses cannot be removed from the rooms even if the room only has one occupant. Lounge furniture may not be taken from the lounge for personal use. Violations of this regulation will result in sanctions. Furniture, paneling, or other decorative objects and materials that students request to bring into their rooms will not be allowed if in the judgment of the Head Resident is it creates a fire hazard or it infringes upon the general living area within the room. If residents are found in violation of this policy, there will be a written warning and the resident(s) will be required to remove the items. Cleanliness Residents are responsible for the routine cleaning of their rooms. Students are responsible for purchasing or borrowing cleaning supplies and equipment. Trash is to be placed in the outside trash dumpsters. If during routine room checks it is determined that a room needs cleaning, a written warning will be given. After a second check, if the room is still not clean, maintenance personnel may clean it and the room occupants will be assessed a cleaning fee. Continued issues may result in sanctions. Room Inspections The Student Health nurse, Housing staff and security make routine room inspections to: 1. Assure the health, sanitary, and safety condition of rooms; 2. Assure that college property is cared for properly and to assess damage. 3. Remove electrical equipment or other items not in compliance with residence hall regulations; 4. Assure students are not violating residence hall rules and policies. Room inspections will be held throughout the semester as frequently as every two weeks, and will be done at least monthly. Room inspections may be chosen at random, may include entire halls, and may be more frequent for students who have consistent violations. Room inspections will also be conducted during Thanksgiving break in November, semester break in December, and Spring break. While room inspections do not need to be announced, students may be sent reminders of possible upcoming inspections. Room inspections include: checking the fridge and microwave for cleanliness, smoke detector function, windows and screens, unreported damage to the furniture or fixtures, garbage accumulation and overall room cleanliness. Closets and drawers will not be searched unless the situation warrants it and the student is present. However, housing staff reserve the right to search without the student present in extenuating circumstances. Entry and Search of Student Rooms College policy on the privacy of student rooms stipulates that search and entry will be restricted to the following instances: a. The Dakota College at Bottineau housing contract stipulates that housing staff reserves the right to inspect rooms at any time for purposes of administering the housing contract. Rooms may be inspected for maintenance, fire prevention, safety, and rule enforcement b. When college officials reasonably fear danger to health, safety, life or property. c. When college officials have just cause to suspect a violation of housing regulations.