Residential Life Handbook

17 F) The imposition of sanctions will normally be deferred during the pendency of appeal proceedings. However, in the interests of the safety of the college community, this stay is at the discretion of the Associate Dean for Student Services. G) The decision made by the Residence Hall Appeal Board will be final. Default Proceedings A student or organization who fails to appear before a hearing board or administrator on the date set to answer or contest the charges of a violation of college regulations will be treated as being in default. The result will be that the case will be decided on the information available in the absence of the students statement and the default judgment may be re- examined only upon a showing by the student or organization that the absence was for a good cause. In the case of the student who has left the college rather than appearing before the hearing board, the effect of the default judgment will be: 1. The college informs the student in writing of the complaint as it is known without benefit of hearing and the disciplinary action that has resulted. 2. The same information is furnished to anyone designated by the student in connection to the incident. 3. Judicial Procedures Outline If students are found to be in violation of any of the rules and regulations detailed in the Residence Hall Handbook, they will be subject to sanction based on the violation and number of occurrences. . All College Student Conduct Committee Membership Associate Dean for Student Services or their designee (Chair Person), two students, two faculty and one staff member. Conduct Appeals Committee Membership One faculty member, one student member, and one college administrator. The Associate Dean for Student Services, or their designee serves on the committee in a non-voting, advisory role. The Chairperson is elected by the members.