Residential Life Handbook

15 Males who are overnight guests in Gross Hall are not allowed to use the shower facilities; they must make arrangements to shower in Mead Hall, Milligan Hall or locker room in Thatcher Hall. Females who are overnight guests in Mead hall are not allowed to use shower facilities and must make arrangements to shower in Gross Hall, Milligan Hall or the locker room in Thatcher Hall. Weekend overnight guests are expected to use the guest bathrooms in Mead and Gross Hall. In-Hall Sports “In-hall” sports are not permitted. This restriction applies, but is not limited to, hall hockey, Frisbee, water balloons, soccer, golf, skate boarding, whiffle ball, football, roller blading, and water guns. Keys When you check into your residence hall you are given keys for your room and a key fob for the outside door. College regulations prohibit the duplication of keys by students and also prohibit students from giving or lending their keys to any other individual. Students who lose their keys must report the loss to the Head Resident immediately so the appropriate steps can be taken. A replacement fee is assessed for the keys and lock cylinders of the doors for which the key was lost. All living quarters should be locked when unoccupied. DCB does not assume the responsibility for lost or stolen items. Residents are responsible for their keys and fobs. If a resident does not report a missing or lost key or fob, or one is found prior to it being reported missing; they may be sanctioned. Posted Information/Floor Meetings Residents are responsible for understanding the information and notices posted on bulletin boards. Hall meetings are mandatory for residents. Property Destruction/Theft The willful destruction, defacing, or theft of college, private, or public property is prohibited. Violations of this regulation will be subject to sanctions taken by both law enforcement officials and residence hall staff. Students who have lost items in the residence hall should notify an RA, Head Resident or the Director of Student Life immediately. Unclaimed Property Unclaimed property is not the responsibility of DCB and will be disposed of or donated after 30 days. Quiet Hours/Noise Quiet hours are from 10:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. each day. Special quiet hours may be imposed during certain times and all residents are expected to respond to individual or housing staff requests to lower noise levels. During finals week quiet hours are imposed 24 hours every day. Quiet hours are times set aside for sleeping and studying. During quiet hours, students are expected to keep noise and distractions to a minimum. All room doors should be closed during quiet hours. Residents are encouraged to approach individuals respectfully who are violating quiet hours or creating a disturbance during normal hours. If this initial approach is not successful, residents then should contact a RA. Housing staff will enforce quiet hours when necessary and each resident has the responsibility to observe this regulation. Loud noises at any time are not conducive to a community environment. Resident need to be respectful of others and must use their best judgment regarding how sounds may be affecting others. Sanctions will be issued for violating DCB’s quiet hours/noise policy. Quiet Rooms Designated rooms in each hall are designated as Quiet Rooms. In an effort to best serve residents of the floor, the rules and regulations have been determined by the Housing Staff with input from the students living on the floor. Guidelines: • 24 hour quiet hours • One guest per resident at a time • Removal from floor for noise violations Sound Equipment/Musical Instruments In consideration of other residents, stereos, radios, televisions, musical instruments, and other electronic devices should be played at volumes which cannot be heard outside of the resident’s living unit. The use of headphones for sound equipment is recommended. Stereo speakers ARE NOT ALLOWED in windows. If this policy is violated repeatedly, the resident(s) involved may be required to remove the sound equipment from the DCB residence halls or have the equipment confiscated. Roofs/Ceilings/Heating Tunnels Residents are not permitted on the roofs of the residence halls, heating tunnels, storerooms,