Residential Life Handbook

14 Sanctions will follow violations of this rule. There is a fine for students who are found to have violated the regulation prohibiting firearms in rooms. Removal of the resident in violation of this policy from the residence halls is another possible consequence. Gambling Gambling for money is not allowed in the residence halls or student center. This includes any games played for money or goods exchanged for money. Dress in Public/Common Areas For the comfort and health of all residents, all individuals must wear appropriate clothing, at all times, in the public/common areas such as residence hall lounges, student center, hallways, etc. Appropriate clothing includes, but is not limited to; tops, bottoms, socks, and shoes/slippers. The definition of appropriate clothing is left up to the discretion of the RAs, Head Resident, and the Director of Student Life. Lounge/Common Area Etiquette • Residents, guests, and visitors are expected to clean up after themselves when leaving the lounge/common area • Residents, guests, and visitors are expected to keep the TV volume at a reasonable level and turn off the TV when leaving the lounge/common area • Personal items are not to be left in the lounge/common areas overnight • All furniture is to remain in the lounge/common area • Viewing of pornographic or inappropriate materials on common area televisions or computers is prohibited. Visitation/Guest Privileges General Guidelines Dakota College has established visiting hours for the guests of residents. Residence hall students are responsible for the behavior of their guests, for knowing when visitation is permitted and for ensuring that their guests know and follow all housing regulations. Residents must respect the rights of roommates and other when residents while hosting visitors. A guest/visitor is considered anyone who does not permanently reside in the room/suite they are visiting. Guests/visitors are expected to abide all housing regulations while visiting the residence halls. Hosting guests is a privilege. Residents who abuse this privilege risk sanctions and/or losing visitation privileges. Individuals under 18 years of age are not allowed in residence halls unless they are full-time students of Dakota College or members of the resident’s immediate family. Residents are to NEVER give or loan their fob or key to their guest or visitor, or another resident. Residence hall guests are required to be escorted by their host at all times . Entry into a residence hall as a guest does not allow the guest access to the entire building – only to those areas to which he or she is escorted by the host. NOTE: If residents are observed or reported to be allowing unknown individuals into the residence halls unescorted, they may face sanctions. Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests and will be held liable for loss, damage, or rule violations incurred by the guest. Visitation Policy DCB has an open visitation policy in campus housing. Students who reside in campus housing are allowed overnight visitors any night of the week with RA permission. Overnight visitors must be signed in by an RA by 11:00pm on the night of the visit. All overnight visitors will be required to show photo ID, and must be over 18 years of age. Failure to sign in overnight visitors may result in restriction of visitation privilegs. Residents cannot host more than one overnight guest at a time. There is a 1:00am curfew for all off-campus visitors not approved as an overnight guest. Students who reside in DCB housing are welcome to visit other halls without curfew. Residents with roommates need to discuss the visitation policy and mutually agree upon the rules they will use. Residents are only allowed one overnight visitor each night, and two visitors per room prior to curfew.