Residential Life Handbook

12 Organizations or groups wishing to meet with specific individuals must do so in the lounge area of the residence halls. Standard Regulations Civility Statement Living on campus provides a unique experience for students to interact with others from diverse groups and backgrounds. Residents engage in interactions that promote learning and appreciation of each other’s individuality. The privilege of living on campus comes with responsibilities for personal behavior towards others in the community. In order to create a positive living and learning environment, campus residents must be civil with each other. Residents are expected to understand the impact of their individual actions on the community as a whole and change any behavior that does not support our community expectations. Those expectations include, but may not be limited to: • Speaking to each other in a civil manner. • Recognizing how actions and language impact the residence community as a whole. • Treating residence community members with dignity, consideration, and respect. • Refraining from displaying items that are disrespectful and hurtful to others. • Refraining from utilizing technology in a way that is disrespectful and hurtful to others. • Bigotry, oppression, and hatred will not be tolerated. • Confronting behavior or reporting to staff incidents of incivility and intolerance. Complicity Your presence in a location where a violation of the Housing regulations is occurring indicates acceptance of the behavior that is prohibited. Failure to remove yourself from the situation or make a reasonable effort to stop the behavior encourages its persistence. Alcohol The use or possession of alcoholic beverages in college housing is prohibited by the State Board of Higher Education. Students in violation of the prohibition of alcohol in the residence halls will be subject to sanctions which may include, but is not limited to; fines, mandatory visits to the campus counselor or an alcohol education class, campus community service and possible dismissal from campus housing. Residents are responsible for the activity that occurs in the residence halls. Thus, if an alcohol violation is taking place, the resident has the responsibility to report the violation to the Housing staff or vacate the area. In addition, any student who is under the influence of alcohol and brings attention to themselves by making noise or general disruption or publicly displaying underage intoxication is in violation of this policy and may face sanctions. Housing staff is aware that in certain situations a resident will not be observed actually consuming alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Housing Staff and Judicial Officer to investigate cases of suspected alcohol, examine the circumstances involved, and arrive at a conclusion. If it is determined that a violation has occurred, a standard course of action will be followed. Where excessive or extraordinary disruption of residence hall life is caused by use of alcohol, sanctions will be taken to remediate the situation. Residents present in a living area where an alcohol violation has occurred will be held responsible for the conduct in that area until that time when those responsible for the violation are identified. DCB will not accept intoxication as an excuse for disruptive and disorderly behavior or for property damage. DCB reserves the right to confiscate alcoholic beverages. Empty alcohol containers are also prohibited within residence halls. This restriction applies to containers used for decorative purposes, can collections for recycling, furniture made from empty containers (lights, etc.), or containers saved as souvenirs. Drugs and Smoking No student or their guest may possess, distribute, manufacture, exchange, consume, use, or sell illegal or un-prescribed drugs anywhere on DCB property. Any drug or tobacco smoking paraphernalia (pipes, vape pens, hookahs, rolling papers, etc.) found will be viewed as a violation of the drug policy. In addition, any student, under the influence of illegal or un- prescribed drugs who brings attention to themselves that they are under the influence of drugs is in violation of this policy. Any student present during drug violations also subject to this policy. Violators of the drug policy may be reported to local law enforcement officials and the college will fully cooperate. A penalty or punishment dictated by civil