Residential Life Handbook

10 d. The college reserves the right to confiscate any prohibited materials found during an entry or search, and impose sanctions as laid out in the handbook. The guidelines listed above will restrict arbitrary room inspections or searches. Housing staff will announce their presence before entering. Bunk Beds/Lofts/Alterations Student constructed bunk beds or lofts or other structural changes to rooms are not allowed. Altering electrical connections or fixtures is not allowed. Room furniture is not to be dismantled. Appliances The use and possession of electrical appliances in rooms are limited to the following devices: coffee makers, small microwaves, computers, clocks, fans, small refrigerators, sewing machines, electric shavers, hand-held hair dryers, radios, lamps, curling irons, DVD/Blue-Ray players, televisions, and CD players/stereos, small ice makers, and blenders. Electric heaters, sun lamps, air conditioners, freezers, toaster ovens, air fryers, slow cookers, pressure cookers, are not permitted, or any other cooking appliance. Violators will have the unauthorized equipment confiscated and are subject to sanctions. Rooms in Mead Hall and Gross Hall are limited to one fridge and one microwave per room. Suites in Milligan Hall are limited to two fridges and two microwaves per room. Small fridges and microwaves are available for students to rent for the school year; Fall and Spring Semesters. Cube Fridge (small) $25/year Fridge (medium) $50/year Microwave $20/year Rental appliances are limited and will be leased out on a first-come-first-choice basis. Small appliance rental forms are available from the Resident Assistants. Hall Kitchen Cooking in residence hall rooms is limited to microwave ovens and coffee pots with an automatic shut off. All other forms of cooking appliances are prohibited and will be confiscated. Students may bring their own microwave ovens or refrigerators provided the ovens do not exceed one cubic foot/1100 watts and the refrigerators are not larger than 4.6 cubic feet. For convenience, student kitchens are located in Mead Hall and Milligan Hall for students to use. Each kitchen has a sink, refrigerator and oven/stove. Shelves are provided for students to store optional cooking appliances, it is recommended that student label their personal small appliances. Small appliances are required to be stored on the shelves provided, and not in the student’s room. If a prohibited small appliance is found in a student’s room it will be confiscated for the remainder of the semester and a sanction imposed. All personal dishes, utensils, pots and pans are to be cleaned in the kitchen only, and not in the student’s room sinks. Personal kitchen wares (appliances excluded) may be stored in the student’s room. A limited number of kitchen wares will be provided for student use in each kitchen. The student kitchens are to be cleaned after every use. Students who use the kitchen and fail to clean it, or clean it inadequately may be sanctioned and can result in suspension of kitchen privileges. Cleaning supplies will be provided in each kitchen for students to use. In the event that a hall kitchen is in use, or unavailable, students may use the kitchen in another with the permission of that hall’s RA. Students residing in Gross Hall may use either kitchen with RA permission. Open Flames/Flammable Items Incense, candles (even for decorative purposes), Bunsen-burner type appliances, oil lamps, torches, stoves, and barbecues/cookers are prohibited in the residence halls. Possession, ignition or detonation of any explosive device, fireworks, liquid or object which is flammable or which could cause damage by fire or explosion to persons or property are also prohibited. Aerials/Antennas, Satellite Dishes Residents may not erect or construct aerials, antennas, or satellite dishes from their room. Weightlifting Equipment Students are not allowed weightlifting equipment in their rooms. The Weight Room facility is located in Thatcher Hall. Pets Pets of any kind, with the exception of fish, are prohibited in the residence hall. Aquariums may not exceed 13” H, 11” W, and 21” L or hold more than 10 gallons of water. Only fish may be placed in the aquarium – no exotic aquatic or reptile species are allowed. An aquarium in a student room must be mutually acceptable to all roommates. Any resident requiring an Emotional Support Animal must contact the Director of Student Life to obtain the policy and proper paperwork prior to the animal living