Photo Careers

• A crime scene photographer, also commonly referred to as a forensic photographer or an evidence photographer is a professional photographer who is skilled in the art of producing only the most exact, detailed photographs that record the crime scene and the physical evidence within the crime scene as objecBvely and accurately as possible. • Crime scene photography is an important part of the collecBon of evidence at the crime scene, as it documents the appearance and locaBon of vicBms, shell casings, footprints, bloodstain paKerns, and other physical evidence and produces a permanent, visual record. • Crime scene photography is a highly technical profession that requires correct lighBng, proper lenses, and accurate angles as to produce professional photographs that can be analyzed, enlarged, and submiKed in court hearings, proceedings or trials. • Along with photography training, crime scene photography usually requires a degree in criminal jusBce. $34,000 - $89,000 Average $65,000 per year Crime Scene Photographer