Photo Careers
• Stock photographers create images that are in demand for adverPsing and markePng pieces. The images are uploaded to stock photo websites such as iStock, DreamsPme, Adobe Stock, ShuQerstock, and others. Photographers are paid when someone purchases their photo through the stock website. • Stock photography is one of the most accessible photography careers, yet also difficult to get established. The stock photography market has become saturated in recent years with many photographers looking to break into the profession. As such, it can be very challenging to make a full Pme living with it, but it can be a great way to make some extra money. That being said, the stronger your work is, the more likely your images are to sell. • You can start by selling photos that are already in your porSolio and work on shooPng a variety of images that will work in ads. Professionals in the field recommend uploading a few dozen images a month in order to take full advantage of the opportuniPes these plaSorms provide. • Be paPent, it can take several years for your photos to rise to the top of the search ques on these sites. $15,000 - $81,000 Average $37,000 per year Stock Photographer
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