Photo Careers

• Travel photography is, for many, a lifelong dream come true. Not only do you get to spend your days exploring new locations and cultures, but you get paid to do it. • If you truly want to pursue this photography career, you must understand the hard work behind it. It means getting up early to capture those stunning sunrise shots, carrying heavy camera accessories for hours on end, and staying indoors editing images rather than swimming in the hotel pool. The results will most definitely be worth it, but you need to be ready to put in the effort to get the shots. • With travel photography being a popular subject for many photographers, it can be challenging to make money at it. Especially when considering how expensive it can be to produce the photos. To break into the field, you’ll need a strong portfolio. • You can start by working with your local and statewide tourism departments. Work as a freelancer traveling as much as you can afford and selling your photos to magazines and travel agencies. You should also reach out to brands that could potentially sponsor your trips and try to build professional relationships with travel writers and other authors you could collaborate with. $17,000 - $100,000 Average $45,000 per year Travel Photographer