Employee Handbook

Employee Handbook 31 August 2023 The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs must notify the student that they will recommend suspension or expulsion to the Student Conduct Committee. The student must be given two school days to file a written notice of appeal with the Academic Standards Committee before the recommendation is presented to the Student Conduct Committee. The student may appeal the recommendation of suspension or expulsion to the Academic Standards Committee as described on Section I, Chapter II.5. The Student Conduct Committee may impose suspension or expulsion if an appeal with the Academic Standards Committee is not in progress. 3. Grade Appeals A Grade Appeals Committee has been established by DCB. The committee handles cases in which students allege inequitable or prejudiced academic evaluation has occurred. The composition of the committee is determined by Faculty Senate. It is to be utilized only after the student has contacted the instructor and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs first with the appeal. 5.1 Grade Appeals Procedures a. Step 1 Within three calendar weeks following issuance of the grade in question, the student shall confer with the instructor who issued the grade and outline the reasons why they believe the grade is incorrect. Following the student-instructor conference, the instructor shall advise the student of the outcome of the course grade review and shall process a grade change if appropriate. b. Step 2 If the student still considers the grade to be incorrect, the student may appeal the grade to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs within 14 calendar days following the completion of Step 1. During Step 2 of the appeal process, the student again needs to outline the reasons why they believe the grade is incorrect. The Associate Dean will decide on the appeal by discussing it with as many individuals as they deem appropriate and/or by reviewing documents and evidence at the Associate Dean’s discretion. In the event the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs is the instructor involved, they need only be consulted in the capacity of instructor. c. Step 3 If the student is still dissatisfied, the student may request that a case be reviewed at a hearing by the Grade Appeals Committee. The formal (written) request for the hearing must be received by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs by 14 calendar days after the completion of Step 2 . The Grade Appeals Committee shall meet within 10 calendar days of being notified by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The chair of the Committee shall report the Committee’s decision in writing to the Associate Dean for Academic