Employee Handbook

Employee Handbook 14 August 2023 policy and to provide for reliable channels of communication among all segments of the college. The DCB Faculty Senate accepts the responsibility of recommending academic and professional policies to the Campus Dean, subject to the policies of the SBHE. The Student Senate – The Student Senate acts as a liaison between DCB’s student body and the college’s faculty, administration, and staff. The Student Senate promotes development and protection of student rights as designed by the Student Handbook and fosters participation and coordination of college activities. The Staff Senate – The Staff Senate is established to be a representative body of college staff. The Staff Senate shall strive to promote communication between the Campus Dean, other administrators, and staff. The Staff Senate shall inform and serve the staff of DCB. 12. Graduation Remarks – Selection of Student The student selected to speak at the commencement ceremony will best represent the DCB graduate profile listed below. In addition, the committee has approved the following selection criteria: a. The student nominated must be in good academic standing, have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher, and participate in the graduation ceremony. b. The student nominated must be in good social standing both on and off campus. c. The student nominated must be active in campus and community life. d. The Student, Faculty, and Staff senates will each nominate two students for the recognition. The presidents of the respective groups will determine the method of selection for their group. e. The student nominated must have been enrolled at DCB for four semesters, either full-time or part-time (at least nine credits), immediately prior to and including the semester in which they are nominated. For example, for a student nominated to provide remarks at commencement 2016, the start date for satisfying the enrollment criteria is fall, 2014. f. The student chosen to provide commencement remarks will be selected by a Faculty Senate vote conducted at a scheduled meeting. The faculty will select a first choice and a first and second alternate from the ballot of nominees. 13. Incident Reports An incident is an unplanned occurrence that resulted or could have resulted in injury to people or damage to property, specifically involving the public and state employees.