Employee Handbook

Employee Handbook 13 August 2023 general management of the following areas: softball, baseball, basketball, volleyball, hockey, clay target, game management, sports eligibility information, and athletic equipment and facilities. The director is the chief athletic officer of the institution. The Director of Physical Plant is responsible for providing and maintaining a physical environment conducive to learning and living. Provides quality maintenance and custodial services necessary to operate, maintain and enhance campus buildings and grounds. The College Council – The College Council facilitates the general flow of information throughout the organization. Members serve as liaisons for their representative groups. They will review and recommend institutional policies and procedures, assure compliance with governmental regulations and accreditation standards. They will establish, review, and sunset college-wide committees and taskforces, receive and consider feedback from college committees and make recommendations on planning, budgeting, and assessment. The council will provide advice to the campus Dean regarding major decisions. The Council consists of the Campus Dean, Associate Deans for Academic Affairs, Business and Finance, Student Services and two student advocate personnel, the Faculty Senate President, Faculty Senate representative and the Staff Senate President and Vice President. The Strategic Planning and Institutional Council for Effectiveness (SPICE) - SPICE develops the college strategic plan with input from constituents aligning it with the college mission and the NDUS strategic planning goals. The council supports ongoing connections between strategic planning, budgeting, assessment, and evaluation. They monitor, evaluate, and document progress toward fulfillment of the college strategic plan goals. They monitor, evaluate, and document progress toward addressing audit findings. Recommendations and updates are provided to the Campus Dean. They keep the college community informed of progress toward achievement of the strategic plan goals. SPICE consists of the Director of Accreditation and DCB priority leaders chosen per priorities as designed annually, Campus Dean, Associate Deans for Academic Affairs, Business and Finance, and Student Services, Assessment co- chair. The Faculty Senate – The Faculty Senate functions for the purpose of establishing an orderly process whereby faculty may share in the determination of academic and professional policy. The faculty of DCB has the responsibility to express concern for the welfare of the institution, to discuss and develop ideas for growth within the institution, to contribute to the formulation of