Employee Handbook

Employee Handbook 11 August 2023 System and who executes and administers the policies, decisions, procedures, and rules of the Board. The SBHE publishes policy and procedure manuals governing the institutions under its control. Copies of the manuals are available at the following website: www.ndus.edu. The Campus Dean is the chief executive officer of the institution and along with other officers carries out policies and delegated duties. Executive officers of the college manage the institution in accordance with SBHE and other appropriate policies. Participation in the decision-making process is engendered from faculty, staff, students, and others in those areas in which their interests are affected, e.g., Student Senate, Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, Administrative Council. Although DCB is an operationally and fiscally separate institution, it is an affiliate of Minot State UniversitMiSU). As a result, the operation of DCB is under the jurisdiction of the MiSU president, and the Campus Dean reports to the president. A Memorandum of Understanding between MiSU and DCB provides general procedural relationships between the institutions. 11.3 Organizational Chart