Fall 2019 Course Syllabi
• Discussion Board Participation: In the course outline for the class, ten different topics are identified as “Discussion” topics. The instructor has posed a discussion question on the course Blackboard shell for the given topic. Each student is responsible for participating in the discussion by posting his/her own response to the discussion question (3 points), and engaging in discussion with at least one additional student (2 points). Discussions are open until the exam covering the discussion material closes (e.g. Discussion #1, #2, and #3 will close when Exam #1 closes). • Papers: Each student will complete two papers throughout the semester. The first paper will be a gendered toy analysis, and another will apply class concepts to a movie review. Each paper will be two pages (double-spaced) in length. Paper descriptions and rubrics are available on Blackboard. Papers are due on the specified due dates, but can be submitted in advance. Tentative Course Outline: Topic Chapter Discussion Quiz Paper Exam Due Date Introduction 1 Theories of Development 2 Discussion #1 Quiz #1 Heredity and Environment 3 Quiz #2 Prenatal Development and Birth 4 Discussion #2 First Two Years 5-7 Discussion #3 Quiz #3 Exam # 1 Chapters 1- 7 Week 5 September 29, 11:59pm Early Childhood 8-10 Discussion #4 Quiz #4 Middle Childhood 11-13 Discussion #5 Quiz #5 Paper #1 Exam #2 Chapters 8- 13 Week 9 October 27, 11:59pm Adolescence 14-16 Discussion #6 Quiz #6 Emerging Adulthood 17-19 Discussion #7 Quiz #7 Exam #3 Chapters 14-19 Week 12 November 17, 11:59pm Adulthood 20-22 Discussion #8 Quiz #8 Late Adulthood 23-25 Discussion #9 Death and Dying Epilogue Discussion #10 Quiz #9 “Tuesdays with Morrie” Quiz #10 Paper #2 Exam #4 Chapters 20-25, Ep Week 16 December 15, 11:59pm
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