Fall 2019 Course Syllabi
Disabilities and Special Needs: If you have a disability for which you are, or may be, requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact your instructor and Kayla O'Toole in the Learning Center (228-5479) as early as possible during the beginning of the semester. Title IX: Dakota College at Bottineau (DCB) faculty are committed to helping create a safe learning environment for all students and for the college as a whole. If you have experienced any form of gender or sex-based discrimination or harassment, including non-consensual sexual intercourse, sexual harassment, relationship violence, or stalking, know that help and support are available. DCB has staff members trained to support survivors in navigating campus life, accessing health and counseling services, providing academic and housing accommodations, and more. The College strongly encourages all students to report any such incidents to the College Title IX Coordinator. Please be aware that all DCB employees (other than those designated as confidential resources such as advocates, counselors, clergy and healthcare providers) are required to report information about such discrimination and harassment to the College Title IX Coordinator. This means that if you tell a faculty member about a situation of sexual harassment or sexual violence, or other related misconduct, the faculty member must share that information with the College’s Title IX Coordinator. If you wish to speak to a confidential employee who does not have this reporting responsibility, you can find a list of resources on the Title IX website. www.dakotacollege.edu/student- life/safety/title-ix GRADES: Grading Philosophy: Please understand that I do not care about your grades, I care about your education. My job is to teach you, your job is to learn what I teach you, and hopefully more. If we both do our jobs, grades shouldn’t be necessary. The best way to succeed in my class is to NOT focus on - “what’s my grade,” or “what do I need to get an A?” - but instead focus on - “how much can I learn.” If you embrace this, you won’t be doing assignments for grades, you’ll
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