Fall 2019 Course Syllabi
2) An opportunity to improve the letter grade for the week’s assignment. Optional assignment do-overs will be allowed following a discussion with the instructor. The following stipulations apply: 1) A student cannot illustrate a total lack of effort on the original assignment and expect to have the opportunity to do a redo. Redo assignments are granted by the instructor for assignments that showed effort and dedication, but, for one reason or another missed certain requirements of the assignment. In other words, redo assignments are granted at the instructors discretion for “foul balls,” not “strikeouts.” 2) Redo assignments will only be granted if the original assignment was turned in on time unless the instructor had previously allowed, in writing, the assignment to be turned in late. Assignments turned in late without prior permission from the instructor will not rate the opportunity for a do-over. Late Work: The photography and art worlds work on strict deadlines, therefore it is important to develop the habit of turning work in on time. In the work world, if you miss a deadline, you get fired. IN THIS CLASS, YOU WILL LOSE ONE FULL LETTER GRADE FOR EVERY DAY THE ASSIGNMENT IS LATE, AND LATE WORK MAY NOT BE RE-DONE FOR A BETTER GRADE. The ONLY exception will be if arrangements are made in advance. Final Portfolios: You are here to learn, and therefore not all images will meet a professional standard the first time you tackle a new assignment. Therefore, the majority of your final grade will be determined by your final portfolio. Your final portfolio will consist of examples of your work throughout the semester. Where you are allowed to re-shoot every assignment for a better grade, it is expected that your portfolio will contain work of a professional standard. I will offer critiques on final portfolios up to a week before they are due so students may continue to re-shoot assignments to strengthen their portfolio before submitting them for a grade. Final grades: A final grade for the class is an assessment of what you have learned in the class for the entire semester. Because you are allowed to re-shoot every
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