Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

Principles of art and design —In PHOT 180 we learn principles of design and composition. Use the proper vocabulary and discuss what is working and what could be improved in terms of design and composition. Most of this is based on visual rules, however, some of it will definitely be subjective based on the viewers opinions. Intent— What was the photographer’s intent and did they successfully create an image that expresses that intent? For classes, the intent will be the criteria for the assignment. For example, if the assignment is freezing motion, then did the photographer successfully freeze motion?. Is the viewer interpreting what the photographer wanted to say? Is it clear what the photographer was trying to accomplish? Technical proficiency— This one is fairly simple, as it’s all about using the photography equipment properly. Is the photograph in focus, is the white balance correct, is the exposure correct, were all the camera settings correct, was lighting equipment used properly, etc. Discussions: Each week you will participate in discussions. There will be a questions section for discussion and a critiques section. You will receive 0-25 points for every post you make in a discussion or critique with a maximum of 75 points. For full credit you must make a minimum of three posts in each graded discussion and critique. Posts will be graded according to content. You are expected to use proper vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This is a college course, NOT a chat room. Critiques: Each week you will submit and critique one of your photos and two of a classmate’s photos using the criteria listed in the “critique section” below. These are graded Each week I will critique your photos and address the five categories. I will tell you exactly where the image is strong and exactly where the image could improve. You are allowed re-shoot any assignment for a better grade. The exception is LATE WORK. Critiques are a crucial part of learning. During critiques, the instructor and students will offer feedback on your work. You are responsible for critiquing one of your own photos and one of your classmate’s photos each week. Critiques are due the following day after homework is due.