Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

DAKOTA NURSING PROGRAM Bismarck State College • Dakota College at Bottineau • Lake Region State College • Williston State College 4 b. If a math quiz score is less than 90%, students will remediate. i. Students have two proctored remediation attempts to score 90% or greater on quizzes. ii. Proctored remediation needs to be successfully completed one week from the proctored quiz date. iii. After the second unsatisfactory proctored remediation (<90%) the student meets with faculty and an unsafe occurrence form may be initiated along with a program improvement plan if the student is not showing initiative and effort in the remediation process. iv. Student may be required to make appointment with a math tutor. c. If a student’s score is at a very low level (60% or below) on a quiz, the student is responsible to contact a lab instructor to set up a meeting for individual directions on following the remediation process as outlined above. B. Exams a. The purpose of the math exams is for the student to show competence in the math aspect of medication administration as a part of safe nursing practice. b. If a math exam score is less than 90%, students will remediate. i. Students have two proctored remediation attempts to score 90% or greater on exams. ii. Remediation needs to be successfully completed one week from the proctored exam date. iii. If the student fails to pass the first remediation attempt, an unsafe occurrence along with a program improvement plan will be initiated. iv. If the student fails to pass a math competency exam after three attempts (original exam and two remediation attempts), or does not adhere to the remediation process, failure of the clinical course may result. The score of the original exam will be the documented gradebook score. GRADING POLICY: The following grading scale is used: 92.0 - 100.00 = A 84.0 - 91.99 = B 76.0 - 83.99 = C 68.0 - 75.99 = D Below 68 = F There will be no rounding up of grades during the semester. There is no extra credit offered. GRADING: Course and clinical grades are based on a variety of activities and assignments designated by the faculty. The criteria by which grades for each theory and clinical course are determined are included in course syllabi distributed to students. Students have access to and should review the learning management system grading calculation method. Students are responsible to know what their grades are during the course. Please review the gradebook frequently. If an assignment or exam in the student’s gradebook says the assignment or exam has not been submitted or has not been entered, it is then treated as a fact that the student did not do the assignment or exam unless the student