Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

 Skill 1: Selects appropriate program on the graphing calculator to solve problems o Objective 4: Employs problem solving and critical thinking skills in order to solve a variety of different problems • Goal 3: Demonstrates the ability to convert, calculate, and analyze a variety of mathematical problems o Objective 1: Utilizes mathematical equations to solve problems  Skill1: Solves equations and problems using the appropriate method o Objective 2: Applies practical application of mathematics to everyday life  Skill 3: Solves word problems o Objective 3: Employs problem solving and critical thinking skills in order to solve a variety of different problems Relationship to Campus Theme: Mathematics 105 emphasizes technology through the use of graphic calculators and nature through navigation. Disabilities and Special Needs: Students with designated disabilities and special needs will receive any modifications mentioned in their documentation.