Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

Evaluation Homework—20% Section Homework will be submitted after each section in MyMathLab and can be found under the homework tab in MyMathLab. You may work ahead, but each homework assignment should be completed by the due date listed in order to stay on track in the course. Grades of 80% or higher are required to proceed to the subsequent homework assignment. There is no limit to the number of times you can complete a homework assignment and homework assignments have a final due date of midnight the night before the final exam. Homework Tests are to be completed at the end of each chapter. While you may work ahead, you must complete a homework test by the due date listed. You will receive a 30% penalty for any homework test that is not completed by midnight on the due date. Tests—80% Two proctored tests are administered over the eight-week term, a mid-term and a final exam. Students are allowed one attempt on each test and will need to utilize an in- person proctor when taking these exams. Proctor forms are due to your instructor at least ONE WEEK prior to the proctored exam. You can find the proctor forms in Moodle. Check the course calendar both in MyMathLab and at the end of the syllabus for the dates of these exams. There will be no make-ups . Letter grades are assigned using the following scale: A 89.50%-100% B 79.50%-89.49% C 69.50%-79.49% D 59.50%-69.49% F 59.49% or lower Grade Breakdown Homework 20% Tests 80%