Fall 2019 Course Syllabi

course. This rule keeps MSU in compliance with Federal Financial Aid guidelines. Additionally, it is at my discretion to have students unenrolled who fail to attend any of the first three hours of class meeting time during the first ten instructional days. d. When you are absent without notice for one day, any in-class assignments, quizzes, and homework may be completed for full credit by the end of the next class day. Late and missing work syllabus policies apply for absence without notice for more than one day. Notice requires an email within 24 hours of the missed class hour. e. Notice of absence for three or more consecutive days requires a doctor’s note or approved emergency to excuse late and missing work syllabus policies. f. When you have a scheduled absence due to a university-sanctioned activity, you need to communicate via email two school days prior to such absence. You may still notify me in person or by phone, however, an email is required. You may complete any such assignments without penalty (including projects, discussions, and tasks, if applicable), quizzes, and exams with proper notification. Any such missed work must be completed within three (3) school days of returning to class. Late and missing syllabus policies apply for any such missing work beyond three (3) days. E. Completing homework and participating in class is necessary to construct mathematical knowledge. a. Homework will be assigned in WebAssign from each section covered in the eBook. You must keep up with the assigned homework to have success in this class. b. Homework in WebAssign is due mainly every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday by the beginning of class. c. Homework will be automatically scored within WebAssign. Don’t hesitate to use "Ask Your Teacher" in WebAssign to get help or to bring a discrepancy to my attention if you think you have a correct answer, but WebAssign disagrees. d. Late homework will be accepted without penalty provide an adequate reason is provided. i. Assignments that are not completed by the due date will be marked “Past due”. Past due assignments may still be completed without penalty until the unit test is taken provided an adequate reason is provided and extensions are requested in WebAssign. I strongly discourage falling behind more than a day or two. F. Any missing work will not be accepted for credit after the unit test has been written. G. Three exams and a comprehensive final exam will be given. a. Exams will generally have 18-22 questions (up to 40 questions for the Final Exam). b. Exams are paper-based and are designed to be 50 minutes in length (110 minutes for the final). A practice exam will be provided a week prior to the exam.